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1- Big faerie fountain.
2- Talk to the man under the bridge to get a bottle.
3- Shop. Red potion: 150 rupees, Fighter's shield: 50 rupees, 10 bombs: 50 rupees.
4- Cave cavern, bomb the cracked wall to get access to the cave with the ice rod. The cave to the right has a small faerie fountain and the golden bee.
5- Fortune teller, will give you hints for 30 rupees.
6- Staircase under a rock. A thief will give you rupees.
7- Heart piece on an island. Can only be accessed by going there in the dark world.
8- Pond of Happiness, you can increase your maximum bombs or arrows by five for every 100 rupees you throw in for a maximum of 70 arrows and 50 bombs. There is also a small faerie fountain.
9- Dark world portal, will take you to the ice palace.
10- Cave with 300 rupees.
11- Whirlpool that leads to the enterance of Zora's domain.
12- Whirlpool that leads to the pond near the lost woods.